Meredith & Cristina Quotes

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    7.06 - These Arms of Mine

    Cristina: We, uh, we are fourth-year s- surgical residents. And, uh, we're friends, you know, good friends.
    Meredith: Mm. It's pretty impossible to work this closely and not become good friends.
    Cristina: Uh, sure, I mean, going through something like that, it's brought us closer.
    Meredith: Not that we weren't close before. I mean, ask anyone. We're close.
    Derek: Yeah, dr. Yang and my wife sometimes have my bed with me in it.
    Cristina: So yeah, yes, it's brought us closer for sure.

    Cristina: People like to say what I did was heroic, but I wasn't. It was just a thing that I had to do. I think people like to have a hero and it makes them feel better to think that they're in the middle of that horror that there's someone special working medical miracles. I don't have super special medical powers.
    Meredith: Cristina is a hero, especially to me. The truth is most surgeons could not have done what she did that day. If you had seen..
    Cristina: Stop.
    If you had seen--
    Cristina: Stop. Please just-- can you...can you just stop this?
    Meredith: Can we cut?
10 replies since 25/9/2010, 15:51   8943 views